Joseph Taylor fought against the elements to take victory at round 4 Larkhall. With non stop rain all day, the tyre choice was made, but the cadet final was a close run thing with up to 15 drivers in leading bunch. Series leader Harry Thompson, Bray Kinnenally and Taylor Barnard all had the lead but with positions changing lap every lap it was anybodys call. Maxwell Dodds and Tom Edgar were two other drivers having a great time at the front of the pack but not quite leading. Eventually Thompson headed the field once more but as they disappeared to the bottom corner, on the return Taylor was leading and Thompson had lost a lot of ground ending up 10th. Taylor went on to take victory with Kinneally second and an elated Max Dodds 3rd. Barnard heading the next group from Edgar and Van Knapton having his best finish this year.
“TVKC and LGM promoters would like to clarify that the X30 is not intended to run as a championship as set out in the new MSA class homologation, and apologise for any misleading information. The X30 classes will be seen at club races over the UK, please visit for the latest information on this”.